What is collective action? Simply put, it’s the power and strength you feel when you connect with others – whether that’s something as simple as a neighbourhood seed swap or hosting friends over a homemade meal, or signing a petition, taking part in citizen science, or joining a peaceful demonstration. There’s more than just safety in numbers; there’s joy, human resilience and a huge sense of empowerment.

- Save your garden seeds and swap with neighbours.
- Cook a meal for friends.
- Volunteer in your community.
- Join a walking group to connect with nature.

- Visit your local community garden.
- Go to a live music gig or concert for unrivalled collective atmosphere.
- Take part in a citizen’s assembly. The RSPB and the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission are shaping People’s Plans for nature and food.
- Start a group for likeminded people if you can’t find one. Gardening dads, young professionals in food, nature lovers…

- Go on a land rights march or mass trespass. Follow Right to Roam for more and be sure to leave no trace.
- Go to a live music gig or concert for unrivalled collective atmosphere.
- Take part in a citizen’s assembly. The RSPB and the Food, Farming and Countryside Commission are shaping People’s Plans for nature and food.
- Start a group for likeminded people if you can’t find one. Gardening dads, young professionals in food, nature lovers…

- Join a peaceful protest or camp out.
- Write to your MP on an issue you want them to act on.
- Join a campaign for an issue you care about.
- Ditch virtual connections and be the next person to organise a group walk or meet at a local beauty spot.
- Take three friends and do a beach or river clean.
- Connect with others at events or talks; try Oxford Real Farming Conference or Kew Gardens, or find what’s on at your local bookshop.
Find out more
- London’s community gardens: capitalgrowth.org.
- Likeminded female environmentalists: wen.org.uk.
- Surf and sustainability: sas.org.uk.
- Connect with regenerative farmers: groundswellag.com.
- Inspiring talks to shake off the January blues: orfc.org.uk.
- Protest for the planet: extinctionrebellion.uk.
This piece was initially published in the spring-summer edition of Wicked Leeks magazine. You can order a hard copy of the magazine until 17 May, or read the digital edition online for free.
Illustrations by Tom Jay.
A great article thank you. With the introduction of the 2023 Public Order Act the right to peaceful protest, a pillar of a democratic society, is under serious threat. It’s more important than ever to stand up for what we believe in and not be cowed by draconian laws brought in by an increasingly right wing government.