At least a fifth of plastic packaging could be replaced by reusable or refills– but the oil companies and big food and drink multinationals will do their best to persuade you otherwise, writes Jonathon Porritt.
A tiny fraction of plastic packaging returned to supermarkets is being recycled and there is a lack of transparency over where the rest of it ends up. An exclusive investigation for Wicked Leeks.
Taking your own containers is the best way to cut down on plastic, but the cost-of-living crisis is making people think twice about where to shop. Becky Blench finds out more for World Refill Day.
Broccoli, apples, bananas, potatoes and cucumbers could be sold loose and reduce plastic pollution with no detriment to food waste, ground-breaking new research finds.
Based on a Victorian tradition, Christmas crackers are now often full of throwaway single use plastic; try making your own, upcycling or buying a kit.
Food, Farming, Fairness, every Friday.
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