Watch our organic turkeys pecking in the pasture

It might seem a little early to start thinking about Christmas, but here on the farm, preparations started months ago. All the classic winter veg are growing, and the stars of the show, our beautiful organic turkeys, are coming along nicely.

It might seem a little early to start thinking about Christmas, but here on the farm, preparations started months ago. All the classic winter veg are growing, our shelves are filling up with festive treats, and the stars of the show, our beautiful organic turkeys, are coming along nicely.

We choose the much-celebrated Bronze breed: a slow-growing traditional breed with an outstanding natural flavour. They are all reared on three small organic farms: Bower Farm near Reading, and Otter Valley and Frenchbeer Farm, both near us in Devon.

Not everyone realises that organic offers the highest standard of animal welfare of any farming system – including free range! We popped by to see Ross Gardener at Otter Valley this week.


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