Voices of sustainability

The latest print edition of Wicked Leeks includes the 'Voices of Sustainability' cover feature; how feeding seaweed to cattle can reduce methane emissions; tips for pickling; the latest Ellis cartoon; guest columnists and more.

You may not agree with George Monbiot’s radical predictions of an end to farming as we know it, but there’s no denying things are changing. 

From the shake-up to farm subsidies sparked by Brexit, with farmers now to be paid based on their environmental stewardship rather than size of farm, to the increasing debates around rewilding, vertical farming and lab-grown food.

The second print issue of Wicked Leeks aims to capture some of these conversations and changes, alongside four very different perspectives with our cover feature ‘Voices of Sustainability’ (see pages 8-11). The journalist, the restaurateur, the activist and the cook all have very different takes on what it means to be sustainable and how to navigate the impacts of food choices and beyond; together they offer a combined alternative vision for a better world. 

It may seem a confusing time to be engaging with food sustainability, but I believe the complexity is to be embraced. After all, like in food and farming, there are no answers to be found in monocultures – whether that’s crops or perspectives. 

We hope you enjoy reading this second issue, and don’t forget to sign up to our weekly newsletter at www.wickedleeks.com/#join, for the latest five stories in your inbox every Sunday. 

Read the Spring issue of Wicked Leeks magazine here.


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