Wicked Leeks: Climate Special out now

Featuring a cover interview with Patagonia, the latest news from COP26, and living for a new era. Plus meet the farm of the future, how to eat to protect biodiversity and tips for a sustainable Christmas.

The new issue of Wicked Leeks magazine, which went to press as world leaders met in Glasgow to discuss possibly the last chance to avert climate catastrophe, unsurprisingly has a theme of climate. 

And whatever was, or wasn’t, agreed during these talks, there is an undeniable feeling of momentum that we have tried to capture in these pages. Whether it’s Guy Singh-Watson’s new-found belief that taxing fossil fuels is the one clear call we can all get behind to scale up a green transition (pages 6-7), or the inspiring story of one community coming together to tackle transport, energy, and biodiversity loss, along with regular advocacy with local MPs (page 9). 

While we do need the big changes to happen, a lifestyle shift is not to be underrated. And perhaps what is most appealing in changing to a lower-impact life is the growing body of research showing how these changes (whether it’s avoiding the stressful and expensive consumer cycle or exploring how to eat seasonally) have tangible benefits for happiness. You can read more about these approaches on page 10, and in our lifestyle section, dedicated to living for a new era (pages 30-33). 


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There is also a neat link between wellbeing, fulfilment, and happiness with our other focus in this issue: people. Worker shortages might sound like a depersonalised supply chain story, but actually there is a chance to reshape our food system with people at the heart (pages 22-24).

People are also at the heart of campaigning by activist brand Patagonia, as explained by our cover star and the company’s director of environmental action, Beth Thoren, whose clear-headed words on why and how she faces the climate and nature crises head on are a hugely inspiring read.  

Nina Pullman,

Editor, Wicked Leeks

You can read the full magazine as a digital edition for free on Issuu


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