To cut your clothing footprint and save money:

1 Make a rag rug – a traditional, relaxing and resourceful clothes upcycling craft. Elspeth Jackson’s Rag Rug Techniques for Beginners is the perfect guide.

2 Create heirlooms from scraps with Modern Quilting: A Contemporary Guide to Quilting by Hand, by Julius Arthur of House of Quinn. A brilliant guide to making chic, minimal quilts, ideal for first-time crafters.

3 Other household textiles like cotton or linen sheets can be upcycled. In Grow, Cook, Dye, Wear: From seed to style the sustainable way, Bella Gonshorovitz shows how to grow and cook five fruits and veg, then create natural fabric dye – even the dressmaking patterns are included.
The DIY edit:

4 Stretchy cotton clothing cut into thin strips is great to use in the garden instead of twine or wire.

5 Turn lightweight fabric into decorative bunting – make a triangular card template, 16cm for the top and 22cm for the sides, draw round it onto scraps of fabric, cut them out and sew the short edges at intervals along a piece of bias binding or ribbon.

6 Cut old t-shirts up into squares and use as washable multi-purpose cleaning cloths.
This guide was originally published in the Autumn 2022 print edition of Wicked Leeks. You can read the full issue online now.