Rhubarb recipes: from ketchup to compote

From homemade rhubarb gin to a show-stopping tart – read our chef’s tips for how to cook with rhubarb.

We love homegrown rhubarb with its tender, juicy stalks and tart flavour and it’s just started coming through on the farm. This is the perfect time to explore some new rhubarb recipes, make your own condiments ready for summer BBQs or perfect a mouth-watering rhubarb and almond tatin.

Rhubarb compote

This compote is lovely warm and cold; with custard or ice cream for dessert – we recommend spooning it on top of cheesecake!  It’s also perfect with yoghurt and granola or porridge for breakfast. To take it up a notch in indulgence, purée it and ripple through some double cream or custard.


3 sticks rhubarb

3 tbsp brown sugar

1/2 an orange


– Chop up the rhubarb into 1cm pieces and place in a pan on a medium heat with the sugar.

– Squeeze the juice from the orange into the pan then place the half orange in as well.

– Cook on a low heat for about 10 minutes until all the juices come from the rhubarb and they are soft but not mushy.

– Take of the heat and place in a jar in the fridge to cool. 

Rhubarb gin

Need we say more? So aromatic and deliciously fragrant and best of all, it’s so easy to make. The hardest part is leaving it alone to mature!



500g rhubarb

250g caster sugar

600ml (1 pint) gin


–           Chop up the rhubarb into 2cm squares and put into a large preserving jar or bottle with the sugar and the gin.

–           Seal the top and give it a really good shake.

–           Now leave it somewhere where the rhubarb can infuse in the gin and shake it every day for a week, then every week for 10 weeks or so.

–           Taste and see whether you want to leave it for longer. If you’re happy with the flavour strain through a sieve and bottle. You’re supposed to leave for another 10 months to mature but it’s perfectly drinkable after you’ve strained it and will keep for two years.

Rhubarb ketchup

Another great way to preserve rhubarb flavour is to make ketchup and this recipe is so simple to make. It makes a great addition to your bacon sandwich, roast pork belly, or roasted veggies or crisps.


1kg diced rhubarb

480g diced onions

4 garlic cloves

25g root ginger

2 chillies

1 tsp crushed coriander seeds

240ml cider vinegar

240g soft brown sugar

100ml port or red wine



–           Cook all of the above down until soft.

–           Blend in a food processor and pass through a sieve.

–           Pour into a sealed jar or container.

If kept in a jar and in the fridge, it will keep for a few weeks.

Rhubarb and almond tart

The recipe is slightly more complicated than some of our previous, however it’s a real show-stopper and definitely one to impress.


For the sweet pastry:

250g of unsalted butter

175g of icing sugar sieved

2 eggs

400g of plain flour

1 pinch of salt

For the frangipane:

400g flaked almonds

400g butter

400g sugar

4 eggs

For the rhubarb top:

300g sugar

500ml water

6 rhubarb sticks

Rhubarb tart


–           Start by making your sweet pastry.  Cream together the butter and sugar lightly and gradually add the eggs, mixing well.

–           Add the flour and salt and mix until you have a combined dough.

–           Flatten out slightly then wrap in cling film and rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

–           Meanwhile, make your frangipane mix. In a mixer, cream together the butter and sugar then add the flaked almonds continuing to mix so it crushes the almonds.

–           Now add your eggs and keep beating for 2 minutes to emulsify and lighten the mix.

–           Now you can poach your rhubarb in the sugar and water on low heat.  Make sure you keep checking the rhubarb and leave it still with a little bite. If it goes over it will turn to mush and you won’t be able to arrange on your tart.

–           Take out of the poaching liquor and leave to cool on a plate.  Put the liquor to one side as you will need later.

–           Take your pastry out of the fridge and roll out into the case leaving an overhang around the sides.

–           Fill the pastry 3/4 with frangipane and bake 160 degrees for 30 minutes.

–           After 30 minutes, take the tart out of the oven.

–           Slice the rhubarb lengthways and arrange on top of the tart, flat side facing up.  Cut the overhanding rhubarb off carefully.

–           Brush with a little of the saved rhubarb poaching liquor and return to the oven for another 30 minutes, brushing with the poaching liquor every 10 minutes


Leave a Reply

  1. I have just made the rhubarb and almond tart but wanted to comment on the quantity of ingredients in the recipe. It makes 2 large tarts plus enough left over for 5 small tartlets. Please can you be clearer in the recipe about how much it makes. I am trying to save on ingredients and not use too much. This quantity seems excessive. Thanks

    1. Thank you lizbud – will share your feedback with Lewis about the quantities mentioned.


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