This week, we publish our first issue of Veg & Table magazine. It is a bit more ‘lifestyle’ than Wicked Leeks, featuring lots of seasonal, veg-centric recipes that are not fussy or faddy – but it also retains a healthy dose of reality from the farmers, cooks, and writers we work with and admire. By telling these stories, we hope to differentiate and support the small family farmers who offer a better future for our food, countryside, and rural society.
The industry I love, and have devoted my life to, is in crisis. Family farmers simply cannot compete with the fruit and veg grown by the mega-farms, being sold as loss leaders by supermarkets (a kilo bag of carrots for 60p?) – and they are the ones paying the price. Yet research by the Food, Farming & Countryside Commission shows that 77% of citizens want farmers to be paid properly, and are not willing to sacrifice this to make food cheaper. Farming well, for animals, for biodiversity, for workers in the fields, and to fight climate change, costs a little more. Shoppers want to back better farming – if only they could distinguish what ‘better’ is.
We live in an era of neoliberalism, where the prevailing belief is that we vote with our wallets; that citizens can influence the world they live in by making informed choices about what is good for them, their family, and the planet. But making good choices relies on accurate information being easy to access and evaluate. The future of our industry depends on farmers being able to tell their stories, and shoppers being able to identify the farming they want to support.
Veg & Table sets out to help. In this autumnal issue, we have included tips to get the best from your veg box, waste less, and enjoy the season’s crops in interesting new ways. We have also asked foodie friends for ideas on meal-planning and batch-cooking, to help you save time, money, and energy in the kitchen. All this is supported by knowledge from our farmers and growers – bridging the gap between the food you feed your family, and the families who grow your food.
You can add a copy of Veg & Table to your box here. We hope you enjoy it. If you do, there will be more to come.