Field kitchen tomatoes
Celebrate the pinnacle of the veg growing season by sharing with us pictures of your veg home-grown harvest.

Share your harvest photos

From perfect peas and oversized courgettes to platters of summer berries and tomatoes - share a photo of your proudest garden bounty for our virtual harvest festival.

While the farming world unites around #harvest22 amid droughts and heatwaves, we celebrate growing on a smaller scale with a virtual harvest festival for you to show off your best garden bounties.

Each month we have a community special over in the Wicked Leeks weekly email, and this month we want to pay tribute to the most abundant time of year for home growing. Last month we heard what gardens mean to you, now we want to see your proudest produce – whether it’s a monster crop of courgettes or a small-but-perfectly formed herb balcony.

The rural tradition of the harvest festival, although still alive in many places, is much less mainstream as we have become disconnected from the land. But growing your own food brings a hugely gratifying sense of pride – and at a time when most things are out of our control, it can also be a surprisingly radical self-empowering act.

To feature in our first ever Wicked Leeks virtual harvest festival, share a picture by email ( or post on social using the hashtag #WickedLeeksharvestfestival and tagging us in @wickedleeksmag. Bonus points for anyone who has grown an iconic leek, wicked or otherwise.

Photos will be shared next month in our weekly email and on our website. To get six stories straight to your inbox, from exclusive investigations to unique recipes, subscribe to the free Wicked Leeks email here.

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  1. Not a photo but you might get a laugh out of this on going saga. I can truly relate to the ongoing frustrations Guy relates in some of his posts. In my summerhouse, I grow a grape. Beautiful purple grapes. Just imagine reaching up from your coffee to pluck a succulent grape – heaven. Three years ago, the vine got attacked by a virulent fungus destroying leaves and fruit. With two years of DIY remedies and help from the RHS, I finally solved the problem. This year, wonderful crop of grapes. My spirits rose. Then came the heatwave so to provide ventilation, I left open doors at both ends of the room. Result? The birds came in and ate the lot. Back to the drawing board I think.


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