James Strawbridge’s winter citrus sprouts

Sharp citrus lifts the flavour of seasonal sprouts in this recipe for brunch or festive side from sustainable chef James Strawbridge.

Combining the sharpness of citrus with the best seasonal sprouts, chef and sustainability advocate James Strawbridge is aiming to inspire with his winter citrus sprouts, as part of his partnership with online ethical farm shop 44 Foods. Use as a side dish for your festive feast, tucked under a smoke salmon fillet or as a seasonal brunch.

Winter citrus roasted sprouts 


Serves 2


British baby Brussels sprouts (200g)

Lemon (single)

Pink grapefruit (single)

Lime (single)

Baked cashews & peanuts with chilli and lime (140g)

Fresh dill (30g)

Fresh turmeric (100g)

Fresh coriander (30g)

Lemongrass (30g)

To serve:

Baby watercress (100g)

x2 smoked salmon portion (100g) 

Eggs (6)

Organic wild white sourdough loaf (800g)


Start by preheating your oven to 180 degrees. Slice your sprouts in half then add all the citrus zest and juice. Drizzle with rapeseed oil, sea salt and pepper. Grate in some root turmeric and add your lemongrass and chilli cashews. Toss well and then roast in the oven for 15-20 mins.

Warm your smoked salmon in the oven for the last 4-5 mins alongside the sprouts and toast some sliced sourdough.

Poach your eggs in boiling water with a tbsp of vinegar.

Serve your roasted sprouts on toast with a bed of baby watercress, smoked salmon fillet and poached egg. Garnish with chopped dill and coriander.


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